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Myofascial Release Seminars - Location and Course Dates

  • January 02, 2023
  • December 31, 2023

Myofascial Release Treatment Centers & Seminars

Myofascial Release Seminars

Canadian Specific Seminar Calendar

12 Contact Hour Seminars ($450/$395)

20 Contact Hour Seminars ($750/$695) - Primary, Category "A"

25 Contact Hour Seminars ($1000/895) - Primary, Category "A"

Seminar Series & Additional Seminars

More information

Please check our Brochure on the MYOFASCIAL RELEASE WEBSITE

Calendar of Seminars

Canadian Specific Seminar Calendar

About Myofascial release seminars

John F. Barnes, PT, LMT, NCTMB has had the opportunity of training over 100,000 healthcare professionals in his Myofascial Release Approach. Our goal is to help the therapist improve their logical/intuitive abilities and confidence thereby resulting in consistent and profound results for their patients.

Discover how this truly unique Approach can help you develop the skills and confidence to provide consistent results for your patients and clients while adding fulfillment and revitalizing your professional and personal life!

John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release® is considered to be the ultimate mind/body therapy that is safe, gentle and consistently effective in producing results that last. John F. Barnes, PT is an international lecturer, author and authority on Myofascial Release. He is considered to be a visionary and teacher of the highest caliber.

Our seminars are designed to be ‘hands-on’ experiences. Our seminars build upon one another providing a logical, step-by-step, comprehensive approach for the treatment of pain, headaches and dysfunction. The Myofascial Release Approach is easily learned so that you can utilize the techniques taught in class immediately upon returning to your practice.

This is a hands-on seminar with labs sessions where you will perform techniques on other students and other students will perform techniques on you. It is recommended to bring shorts and a T-shirt, or sports bra/tank top or a two-piece bathing suit to each class to aid in the hands-on lab.

For more information, please visit: Myofascial Release Seminars

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